Review: Apple Summer Camps |

Review: Apple Summer Camps

Summer holidays are always a struggle! Trying to keep your child entertained for a whole 6 weeks can be so difficult. This year I really wanted Ky to try some different things, so the Apple Summer Camps were just the thing!

Just before the end of June, Ky’s Godmother told me about Apple Summer Camps. She told me to hurry and register before all the spaces go. So I registered Ky the very same day!

What are Apple Summer Camps?

Apple Summer Camps are free 3 day workshops which take place in July and August for children aged 8 -12. In these workshops children will learn how to use Apple products and software.

What are the workshops?

This year (2016) the workshops available were:

Stories in motion – Children learn how to film, edit and create a movie using an iPad, MacBook and the iMovie app.

Interactive storytelling – Children learn how to create an interactive book using the iPad pro and pencil, a MacBook and the iBook app.

Coding and Robotics –  Children learn how to use visual blocks and solve puzzles while programming Sphero robots.

Ky said he really wanted to do the Interactive storytelling workshop. So he was booked into a camp at the Westfield Stratford Store the week beginning the 8th August 2016.

You will then receive an email confirming your booking along with a Camp Permission Statement. This is basically a form to fill in, giving consent for your child/children to attend the camp.

What happens at camp?

On the first day we were greeted by the staff running the workshops and Ky was given a free t-shirt.

The workshop started with an initial talk about what they would be doing over the next 3 days.

Day one’s workshop was to get the basis of their story together. This meant coming up with the, who, what, where and when. They then had to start drawing the storyboard for their story. Each child was given an iPad pro and the pencil. Using an app called ‘Sketches’ they drew their characters. At the end of the session they were given an USB so they could save all their pictures.

Before we knew it the workshop for Day 1 was over. What was really good was that they were told to keep working on their stories at home. In essence…it was homework!

The workshop on Day 2, was about putting their book together using the iBook app. They were each given a MacBook and shown how to use some of the software to complete their book. In this session, they added the pictures they had drawn, sound effects and the text of their story.

At the end of the session they saved everything onto their USB. They were told, if they could to finish their stories. This was because in the last workshop they would be showing their stories to everyone. Ky  was unable to finish his story as we do not have a MacBook. However he had already thought about an ending so he was somewhat prepared for the show and tell.

On day 3 of the Apple Summer Camp, all the children showed their books and explained their stories to everyone. They all had worked hard on the stories in such a short time. It was also nice to see the different types of media they used, such as pictures, video and sound effects. They truly tried to make the story as interactive as possible and some added questions at the end!

My Final Thoughts!

All in all I would definitely say that the Apple Summer Camp is worth it! Ky had so much fun! He can’t wait till I get my MacBook so that he can create more interactive books. He also wants to attend again next year but really wants to do the coding workshops!

From a business aspect I can see how clever Apple’s marketing strategy is. These camps definitely make sure that children verve more toward apple products after attending. However there isn’t any pressure to buy any anything once your child has attended. Not unless you count the pressure from your child. You could probably find alternatives to the apps and software used if you are not a big apple fan!

Interested in attending next year’s camps please click here to register.

Did any of your children attend any Apple Summer Camps this year? If so how did they find it?

Did they enjoy or did they find them a bore? Also if you do not own an Apple product would you consider buying one now after attending?

Game Review: Hedbanz Act Up! |

Game Review: Hedbanz Act Up

Ky and I love to play games! Video games, Board games….any kind of game! We especially love trying out new games.

Last year just before Christmas Ky saw an advert for Hedbanz Act Up. A new acting family board game. Based on the game Hedbanz, you have to guess, before the time runs out who, what or where you are from others acting out your card. It’s for 2-6 players and it’s from age 8+. So being the fabulous Mum that I am, I brought it for Ky for Christmas.

Hedbanz Act Up Game|

Hedbanz Act Up was created by Spin Master Games who where founded in 1994. They also the same company behind the popular games, Beat the Parents and The Logo Board Game.

You can get this game from any reputable toy shop or any department store. The RRP is £17.99 however I believe I got this game in a special deal and paid about £13.00.

So what do you get in the box:

6 Adjustable Headbands in different colours

180 Act Up Cards

6 Player Cards

1 Die

1 Timer

72 Tokens

1 Instruction Guide

I have to say we have played this game a number of times and with a different amount of players. Although the game says it’s for 2-6 players we had the most fun when we had 6 players. It made the game more fun and was especially funny when you had the 5 other players acting out your card and everyone’s way of acting it out was very, very different.

Hedbanz Act Up Cards |

Overall this is a fantastic game. You will most certainly have so much fun and be laughing till your belly hurts! I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys playing charades!

Ky’s Rating:  5 out of 5 Stars - Rating |

Dee’s Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars - Rating |

Let us know if you also have the game and how you found it? Did you prefer less or more players?
